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What is the price of Clifford Inu?

Based on our Clifford Inu price prediction, the price of Clifford Inu will decrease by -31.97% and reach $ 0.000014 by March 2, 2022. What is the current Clifford Inu sentiment?

What does positive correlation mean for Clifford Inu?

Positive correlation means that these coins commonly trend in the same direction at the same time. Clifford Inu is most negatively correlated with TerraUSD (UST), Anchor Protocol (ANC), Terra (LUNA), Liquity USD (LUSD) and UNUS SED LEO (LEO), which means that the Clifford Inu price typically moves in the opposite direction compared to these coins.

Is Clifford Inu price correlated with Tezos (XTZ)?

Over the past 7 days, Clifford Inu price was most positively correlated with the price of Tezos (XTZ), Rally (RLY), GALA (GALA), IoTeX (IOTX) and NEO (NEO) and most negatively correlated with the price of TerraUSD (UST), Anchor Protocol (ANC), Terra (LUNA), Liquity USD (LUSD) and UNUS SED LEO (LEO).

What are the support and resistance levels for Clifford Inu?

Based on today's classical pivot point (P1) with the value of $ 0.000019, Clifford Inu has support levels of $ 0.000018, $ 0.000017, and the strongest at $ 0.000015. Similarly, Clifford Inu resistance levels are at $ 0.000021, $ 0.000022, and $ 0.000024..

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